Squirrels Everywhere


Certainly a fruitful spring here. Three fawns in the meadow, more Douglas squirrels than we can count, and the female junco whose nest is hidden in the hose coil is going on her third, yes third, brood. Yesterday I checked the car’s air filter, and sure enough there was a squirrel’s nest in there again. I’m telling you, it’s not too easy to live with Nature, but we probably wouldn’t be nearly as happy without it – especially without the “Big Boys”, those two bucks that hang here every day.

At any rate, here’s my homage to it all – a Douglas squirrel with our tiger lilies in bloom (although the horse radish has sort of taken over that area of the place and the lilies are somewhat overwhelmed). The painting looks calm, but I’m telling you – it’s not.

This painting is an acrylic on hardboard, 15″ x 15″ and available unframed for $375. Email me if you’re interested. I can also get a nice custom frame, but for that we need to talk.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

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And Click here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website. Her books are now becoming available as Amazon Kindle books.