Commissioned to show endangered or critical habitat The Nature Conservancy either owns or has high stakes in. Many have posters and other products. Some are visitor center installations.
Carson River Ranch, south of Carson, Nevada and under the High Sierra. This is a wetland restoration, featuring visitor center and interpretive panels.
Lahontan Wetlands, northwest of Reno, Nevada. Conflicts between farmers, ranchers, the US Fish and Wildlife Service were eased after this mural was painting as a partnership among all the user groups. It was reportedly the first time they actually agreed on something!
The Nature Conservancy north of Salt Lake City purchased critical wetlands along the lake. Original painting installed in the visitor center at the refuge.
In partnership with the Alaska State Parks, National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service, this mural was painted of the Kenai River in Alaska. Painting installed at Kenai Visitor Center near Soldontna, AK.