You’ll see I enjoy painting water, figuring out how motion looks in a stop-action moment as it falls over a rock or crashing onto a shoreline. Harlequin ducks evidently like it too, because you’ll never see these guys anywhere but around water. In winter they’re on saltwater, in summer they migrate up into the mountains to nest in streamside tree cavities. In the Olympic Mountains near where we live, I’ve seen them sleeping on river rocks, the water roaring around them. They seem to enjoy the most whitewater available, because I’ve often seen them riding the waves downstream. I’ve read that Harlequins often break bones doing this, and they often heal in badly misshapen ways – but they still do it.
I last saw one of these beautiful ducks up Heather Creek, a fork of the Olympic’s Dungeness River at a stream crossing. The duck was next to my ‘bridge’, a log jamming up the river’s passage. She was sitting on the bank under some willows, and I blundered out of the forest right next to her. I stopped, grabbed my point-and-shoot. She looked up at me, then just ignored my presence as she studied the stream for small fish.
What really got to me was the seeming frailty of this little creature, a small duck the size of a shoebox, alone here, by herself in the wilderness and intent on making a living. Here I was, an old guy intent on staying alive so I could come back to these places as many more times in my remaining years as possible, just happy to be standing right next to this beautiful animal. She had no idea, of course, of her importance – which continues here.

This painting is now for sale. It’s framed and the outside measurements are about 20″ x 24″ matted and under glass for $3450 total for both frame and painting. The acrylic painting is on board and is 10″x14″, the glass is 16″x 20″. We have this frame on it now, but others are available. Shipping is a bit more. Let me know if you’re interested with an email at larry@larryeifert.com.
Thanks for reading this week. Oh little duck, where are you today?
Larry Eifert
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And here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website.