American Dipper 5 is a new original painting, acrylic on board, 8″ x 10″ and $140 unframed. This is another in my on-going search for the perfect dipper waterfall.
A custom frame makes it a total of $170 and shipping adds just a bit more depending on your zone or if you take the frame. This is the original painting, NOT a print.
Email us for details. I can send a photo of the frames we have available.
And then there’s this: We spent the last couple of weeks working around the eastern Cascades near Leavenworth, Washington and day-hiking below the Enchantments. Amazing giant mountains, warm days and fall colors at their peak. Nancy gained some very tasty images for an up-coming show – and I found new material for more dipper paintings.
Here’s Nancy hiking almost straight up on Snow Lakes Trail above Icicle Creek – ALL the trails are straight up! Hiking into the light reminded me that, for us, this is as close to realizing the divine as we know. For Nancy and me, pristine wilderness, land unaffected by humans is religious, a medicine and tonic for the soul. It’s important to us in many ways, but mostly it serves as the realization that this will be here long after we’re gone. In a way, it’s a sense of immortality.
We trailer camped in an almost-closed up KOA right in town, and Harry the Cat had a rather amazing experience one day. He had not the foggiest idea what these American turkeys were, but actually seemed like he wanted to become friends with them – even came out and rolled around on the ground in front of them. Any one of them could have laid him low, but I guess I’m happy to report that we’ve raised a ‘soft’ cat with some sense of morality – if not mortality.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert
Here’s the blog on the web. And here’s my Facebook fan page. I post lots of other stuff there.
Click here to go to our main website – with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.
Nancy’s web portfolio of beautiful photographs
And Click here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website. Her books are now becoming available as Amazon Kindle books.