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Here’s my article in 48 North magazine for April, 2014. I almost forgot to toss this into my blog until I received my copy in the mail a few days ago. You can see this on page 48 on their website. This sketchbook was all about diving and dabbling ducks, the interesting differences between them, and how each makes their living. And, it was just a chance to make sure I knew all this stuff without looking it up.

I’ve discovered that the best pages I write and draw have big eyeballs. What, you say? The tube worm story didn’t have huge ratings? Well, it’s just that we humans are drawn to those with big eyes – like Nancy and our deer herd here in the meadow that keep looking in the windows, eyeball to eyeball with the big-eyed house cat that we won’t let outside. Big moon last night and there was a coyote-chorus right below our windows. The local bobcat has come gaping in my studio window before, looking right at me as if to say: where’s the cat?
But here’s the thing. The neighborhood is littered with ‘missing fluffy signs written by names the likes of Tiffany and Heather, neighbors who let their cats roam free to murder wild birds that have a hard enough time of life as it is. Hey, I look at it as nature attempting to maintain a healthy situation. House cats kill over a BILLION wild birds each year and the predators take care of a few of the cats. It’s obvious to me that cat-owners who allow their pets outside are people who (lazily or egotistically?) could care less about nature. They’re targets of my unending quest to open their eyes, one eyeball-painting at a time.
Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert
Here’s the blog on the web. And here’s my Facebook fan page. I post lots of other stuff there.
Click here to go to our main website – with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.
Nancy’s web portfolio of beautiful photographs
And Click here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website. Her books are now becoming available as Amazon Kindle books.