Small Oil Paintings Vol 3

These are more of my little oil studies – and all are available. Drop me an email at if you’re interested, or would like to see some of the others I haven’t posted yet. They’re all on linen canvas board, 5″x7″ and the framed outside measurements are 7″ x 9″. Shipping isn’t much as they’re small paintings. Email me if you’d like to talk about any of these: Think Valentine’s Day!

Wintering Ruddy Turnstone framed

Ruddy Turnstones are along most of our home bay’s shorelines now. In summer, they’re very spectacular in feather colors, but winter feathers are more subdued. Actually, I prefer them this way right now. Framed: $95 and available.

Wintering Ruddy Turnstone oil on canvas

Below: Golden-crowned Kinglet is available. These tiny birds are really fun to paint. 7″x9″ outside measurements, $95 framed.

Golden-crowned Kinglet framed – Sorry, it’s sold

Golden-crowned Kinglet is available. 7″x9″ outside measurements, $95 framed.

Golden-crowned Kinglet oil on canvas SORRY, IT’S SOLD

Varied Thrush is really common here and I paint them often. Same family as the American Robin except they like deep forest instead of lawns. It’s available. 7″x9″ outside measurements, framed for $95.

Varied Thrush framed Sorry, this painting is sold.
Varied Thrush oil on canvas Sorry, this painting is sold.

Swainson’s Thrush is also really common here in summer, but they arrive in late Spring. I painted this from a photo I took of one on our little pond and can you blame me for wanting to paint a summer bird? Another deep forest bird that is currently in Mexico, where I should be, too. It’s available. 7″x9″ outside measurements, framed for $95.

Swainson’s Thrush framed
Swainson’s Thrush oil on canvas
Olympic Chipmunk framed Sorry, it’s sold.

This last one is of an Olympic Chipmunk, only found right here (well, up the hill from us in Olympic National Park near treeline). They’re endemic to the Olympic Peninsula. I’ve painted these little guys many times. 7″x9″ outside measurements, $95 framed.

Olympic Chipmunk oil on canvas Sorry, it’s sold.

Thanks for reading this week.

Larry Eifert

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Click here to go to our main website – with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Nancy’s web portfolio of stunning photography and paintings

And here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website.