Small Oil Paintings Vol 4

Here are five more of my little oil studies – and all are available at the moment. Drop me an email at if you’re interested in purchasing them, or would like to see some of the others I haven’t posted yet. They’re all on linen canvas board, 5″x7″ and the framed outside measurements are 7″ x 9″. Shipping isn’t much as they’re small paintings. Email me if you’d like to know more about any of these: Think Valentine’s Day!

Bewick’s Wren framed Sorry, it’s sold

Bewick’s Wrens are classic LBJs (little brown jobs) that I see right outside my studio window. That upright long cocked tail with the spots is a giveaway to which wren it is. The branch is a twig I brought in to the studio so I could have a first-hand model. Framed: $95 and available.

Bewick’s Wren oil on canvas Sorry, it’s sold

Bufflehead portrait framed

From a distance, I don’t often see the crazy iridescence on these beautiful birds, but walking recently on the local section of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail (not two miles from our place here), one popped up next to shore and I could see the rainbow colors on the bird’s head. So, I made a painting of the experience. Bufflehead portrait is available. 7″x9″ outside measurements, $95 framed.

Bufflehead portrait oil on canvas board

Chestnut-backed Chickadee framed Sorry, it’s sold

Chestnut-backed Chickadees are the true Northwest Coast’s own chickadee species. There are others here, but this one is only here along the west-edge forests that have these reddish to brown needles, tree lichens and leaves, so it really blends in well here. I paint them often. This chickadee painting is available. 7″x9″ outside measurements, framed for $95.

Chestnut-backed Chickadee oil on canvas board Sorry, it’s sold

Douglas Squirrel framed

Douglas Squirrels, also red squirrel or chickaree is the Western forest squirrel in its various forms. In the Puget Sound lowlands, it’s called Douglas Squirrel after David Douglas, discoverer of maybe other things like Douglas-fir. He’s one of my heros, getting constantly lost and having the Indians save him. This little squirrel is fearless, and several of ours have allowed me close contact. They’re good at breaking into our studio’s shingled roof attic and yelling at the house cat.

I painted this from a photo I took of the rascal! It’s available. 7″x9″ outside measurements, framed for $95.

Douglas Squirrel oil on canvas board
Dark-eyed Junco on Queen Anne’s Lace framed

Dark-eyed Juncos are all over our place here, and recently one crashed into a window thinking it was a pathway to another part of the forest. So, this is a homage to that bird. Maybe you will live on, memorialized on a wall somewhere, little friend. They’re beautiful and subtle little birds. I’ve painted these guys many times. 7″x9″ outside measurements, $95 framed.

Dark-eyed Junco on Queen Anne’s Lace oil on canvas board

Thanks for reading this week.

Larry Eifert

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Nancy’s web portfolio of stunning photography and paintings

And here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website.