Our Studio in Port Townsend Washington

Click here to see our field research process!

The Lodge
Artists need an aesthetically-pleasing place to work, and we think we have one. The Lodge is an all-natural red-cedar home and studio, no paint inside or out. Since we often frequent old National Park lodges on mural projects, we appreciate the honest craftsmanship of this place.
The squirrels, on the other hand, have other ideas.

Our Studio
We live near to the mouth of the Chimacum Creek Estuary on Port Townsend Bay – so we called our business, Estuary Press.
Artist in the studio. I’ve always preferred small and warm painting spaces, but when bigger projects arrive, there’s a huge studio in town we move to that can handle 30-footers.
Careful, careful, that’s a 200-lb black-tailed buck there. Nancy both complains and brags that nature is really in charge here –
Our street!
Elephant Seal yearling hauled out in downtown Port Townsend. Just a couple of hundred feet away from the gallery both Nancy and Larry show in, this guy needed a month to molt – so here he choose to do it. Elephant seals are endangered critters, but this guy didn’t seem to care.
Cougar tracks near our studio. While we’ve not seen one in our meadow, Nancy spotted one of the big cats just down the lane in 2014.
Fawns, a half dozen each year – they stay together for years around here.
On the Grand Ridge Trail, above Port Townsend in Olympic National Park just a few miles from home.
High above Grand Lake in the Olympic Mountains. This spot is only 25 miles as the crow flies from our studio. Below, hold onto your hats high above home.
And then there’s this, but we won’t get into here. 1939 Sea Witch.