Larry and Nancy reseach paintings and photography together as a team.
“It’s a career, and it’s a commitment we both take seriously! It’s also a partnership, which we also take seriously – and for decades have had some serious fun!”
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After seeing about a zillion trail signs through our years of hiking, we now photograph the best ones. This one was at Mammoth Crater, Lava Beds National Monument on the California, Oregon border. Semi-loop? We never did find out what that meant. We were prepared for the trail to just fizzle out, but it didn’t.
Another one of these crazy trail signs. This one in the Columbia Gorge on a spring field trip.
Too many flowers to photograph and Nancy just stands there and marvels at it all. East end of Columbia Gorge. Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park. Nancy enjoys tidepools more than just about anything, and there are more tide pools here than just about anywhere. I enjoy the old-growth Sitka spruce forests that grow right down to the beach here, an unusual scene on a coast that’s been chopped from end to end.High above Bahia Conception on the east coast of Baja. We’ve driven here and sailed here, and it’s a great place to explore.
Wildlife watching in the Mistaya River Valley of Jasper National Park, Alberta Canada. This is a place you can be almost be assured of seeing bighorn sheep, grizzlies and cariboo.Nancy and Mount Whitney, tallest peak in the Lower 48. This is late winter on a return trip from painting a mural at Joshua Tree National Park – where it felt like summer to us.Mexican Markets! Wow. Don’t we wish all American groceries were this good. The bakery section of this store in LaPaz was bigger than some groceries here in the States. The routine is to grab one of those round aluminium platters and a pair of tongs. Choose your pastery, put it on the tray, take it to the cashier and they’ll handle the rest. And pasteries like you’ve never seen!Payto Lake in Banff National Park, British Columbia CanadaThe color of these lakes are exactly like this photo. It’s untouched.
The glacier flour flowing out of glaciers upslope taint the waters to this unearthy blue.