More Older Art from the 1970’s and 80’s.

Rick Storey, old Barnum Ranch, 1979, 32A106
10×10 Ferndale in Distance watercolor 1979
cropped-Great Horned Owl Eifert- Martha Steeves bought on Ebay May 2016
1988 Phillip Johnson Fort Bragg
38101 Ferndale Landscape.
Dorothy Vanzantan
Nancy Howatt original barn maybe Altlantica arts. Late 1970’s.
Delta Queen, the boat I grew up on with my author mom. Painting was commissioned by Douglas Mayol, Springfield Illinois in the 1980.
Elk River 1989 34×24 Marianne Peritore fixed
Gwynne Schwartz Chico has to be some time in the late 1980’s.
Tiriata Carkeek, watercolor and pen from New Zealand trip. Tire tracks on the beach.
Judy-Salter-40077-2-1988 the 40077 means I was 40 yrs old, the 77th painting since my birthday in August. So it was painted in November.

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