Tag Archives: Wildlife

New Mural – Exploring the Nearshore

Nearshore of the Elwha River

For the past few months I’ve been working on some projects centering around the dam removals on the Olympic Peninsula’s Elwha River – located about an hour west of here. This painting has just been finished, so I thought I’d pass it around. You and the clients are both seeing it for the first time! It shows the shoreline, Olympic National Park behind, the Elwha River delta on the right – and of course the critters and plants that call this place home.

This is a collaboration between Olympic National Park and Feiro Marine Life Center in Port Angeles, just to the east of where this scene is. One of the big beneficiaries of freeing the Elwha will be the unrestricted flow of nutrients, sediments and drift material from the river into the ocean and then along this shoreline. The river has been blocked for almost a century and this beach is pretty starved, not only because of the dams but also because the shore is ‘armored’ with boulders (read: very bad for critters). In this scene, I’ve hopefully given you an idea of how dynamic and complex this place should be. The painting is destined for the Feiro Center, along with other panels that will tell the story of this, the largest dam removal project in our history. I’m pleased and proud to be part of this forward-thinking environmental project.

These big paintings are always fun for me. I just never get tired of figuring out how to somehow ‘build’ all these 3-D plants and critters into a somewhat realistic and complex world of only two dimensions. It’s a real puzzle. If I continued working on this painting, it would become a very tight and almost photographic work, but I’ve always thought they should be more an “impression” of a scene, and so I try to paint them that way – in an impressionistic style. While it might look realistic on your screen, it’s actually fairly loose in technique.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to the online blog this was to. If you know others that might enjoy my musings, they can sign up on the blog page – or by sending me an email.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.

Paintings for Mount St Helens

I haven’t posted anything for a few weeks because this has been a stretch of sketching and preparing for lots of new paintings – but they’re all in progress. Then we took a week to drive down to San Diego, but now I’m finally back in the thick of it and wanted to pass along some of the sketches I’m doing.

This is a first-round draft of one of the wayside paintings I’m doing for Mount St Helens Volcanic National Monument. It’s going to show something that no photographer could show (or wouldn’t want to have tried 30 years ago). Meta Lake is a few miles north of the volcano, and this shows the eruption blast cloud just coming over the hill on the left – wind hundreds of miles an hour cutting down this old-growth forest like it was dried grass. The lake was still frozen then as it was May, and critters were still asleep in their burrows below the snow. It was this cover that helped nature return very quickly here, and that’s what this piece of art will hopefully show. We came here for field research back in October, and the scene is now very forested like the photo at the lower right. It’s a lovely place that is difficult to imagine as a wrecked volcanic blast zone.

I love doing these projects, because we get to learn all this new stuff – and that’s what life is all about – it’s it?

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to the online blog this was to.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.

Oh yeah, American Forests Magazine

About eight months ago, American Forests organization in Washington DC, who publishes American Forests Magazine, contacted me about using my mural of whitebark pines in peril for a special issue they were planning. American Forests is America’s oldest conservation organization, founded in 1875.

Whitebark Pines may soon become the first major tree species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act, and, thanks to Ron at the Crater Lake Institute who commissioned it, I probably have the only really good painting of these amazing high-altitude trees.

Sounded like a good project, so, I sent the stuff. Time went by and life persisted. Then, today, I wondered what happened  – went online (of course) – and there it was. So I’m passing it over to all of you. Nice mural, key, species list, map, don’t you think? That artist out in Port Townsend supplied that, all for free of course. You’d think I would have, at least, been given a free copy or maybe a lapel pin.

Here’s the entire pdf of the edition. It’s not a big download and the story’s pretty nice.

American Forests Special Report

Thanks for reading this week.

Larry Eifert

Click here to go to the online blog this was to.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.


Big Ink – Big Deer

 We’ve been getting around. Bishop last week, this week it’s finishing up some art for Mt. Diablo State Park in California. This is one of eight for a wall collage for the historic WPA visitor center high atop the mountain. I did a bunch of art here over a decade ago, which is now completely worn out, so here I go again. Thanks, Karen, for believing I should continue (and even expand on) this legacy for another couple of decades. Last time around, I did the ink sketches, then hand-painted the outside illustrations using airplane model paint. It lasted better than a decade, and if it weren’t for the ADA requirements forcing new exhibits, I think they’d have lasted another few years. This time it’s a bit more modern in its presentation and technology.

As I said, this deer image is one of a group, and it’s not a small painting either – 24″ square. Ink and watercolor at large size takes some time to create. There are about a million lines here, and it’s not for the faint at heart to create, that’s for sure. One slip and it’s in the trash! But if I’ve learned one thing in 40+ years of doing this stuff it’s that good craftsmanship takes time. Lots of time. And today there seems to be a real lack of understanding this. Everyone seems to love reaching the finish line, but no one like getting to it.

Well, I like getting there more than finishing. I like the process.

Thanks for reading about my stuff this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to the online blog this was to.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.

Art in the Old-growth

(Click to enlarge so you can read the text by Janet Scharf, Olympic NP)

‘An art gallery in the woods,’ that’s what I like to call these paintings.

Thanks to the kind folks at the park, I now have 24 paintings, well, reproductions of them, scattered along the road in Olympic National Park’s Sol Duc Valley. This one was one of the first, and until recently I didn’t have a digital file of it for my portfolio. The fabricator finally sent it to me, so now I’m passing it along to all of you. It tells the story of the unseen-by-us happenings in the old-growth when the sun goes down, how all sorts of critters appear and carry on their lives when we’ve all gone home for the day. In the foreground, a flying squirrel is diggin’ ‘shrooms and upon hearing the rustle of forest duff, a northern spotted owl begins its predatory plunge from a high perch. The black-tailed deer is browsing oxalis and isn’t aware of the mountain lion’s stealthy approach. And the marbled murrelet is coming home on the last flight of the day, returning to it’s mossy nest with a load of herring for it’s chick from the distant Pacific 20 miles away.

I’ve always liked the idea of using my paintings to present an interpretive idea or story about nature. I learn about it. I paint it. I pass it along to the next guy. Outdoor fabrication technology is pretty good these days, so this panel will last for decades unless a 500,000-pound tree falls on it (which has happened). I love the thought of a car full of visitors driving up this beautiful road, eyes open in wonder at the scenery and pulling off to read this wayside panel – and suddenly they’re immersed in a painting telling a story about nature they never knew about. I think art should teach and inspire – and then move the viewer to positive future actions. Is this art? I’d say it is.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to the online blog this was posted to.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography. She has new work up of her garden after a morning rain.

Backwater on the Hoh

We’ve spent the better part of two weeks camping along Olympic National Park’s Hoh River, and I have a bunch of fun mixed media paintings to report. We’re home now, watering some very thirsty tomatoes, yanking out the gone-to-seed stuff we forgot about – and trying to figure out how to return to the West End for a few days more. Probably won’t happen soon, because there are some very patient people waiting for us to do our art-tricks – and we thank you. What? This little watercolor and ink created on my lap in the camp chair while I was being eaten alive by the moskies isn’t art-trick enough? Well, the spash of paint followed up by a dead run to the camper was a pretty good trick. “Moskies” was what I heard a Brit call the evil Hoh River mosquitoes. Pretty good name.

This ORIGINAL painting is watercolor and ink on paper , 8″ x 10″ and $140 unframed.
The dark mahogany frame with a double mat and glass makes it a total of $180 and shipping adds just a bit more depending on your zone or if you take the frame. This is the original painting, NOT a print.
Email us for details if you’re interested.



Here’s a friend that came by the campsite to visit one evening. We’ve not seen such a perfect bull elk  up close and personal in years. Had to have been 1200 lbs and not a mark on him. I guessed from ground to antler top was at least 8.5 feet, and you sure didn’t want to stand in his way as he came past. At the closest point he was about 15′ from us, and the tree I was hiding behind seemed pretty darned small. Olympic NP has the largest unmanaged elk herd in the country, and this guy truly seemed ‘unmanaged.’ Whooie.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to the online blog this was to.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.

Otter Tracks

River Otter Tracks on the Beach are a fairly common sight around here. In fact, otters are, themselves, a really common sight right in downtown Port Townsend. Recently, there’s been a big one down there on Water Street, dodging cars, running around and looking in the open door at Gallery Nine (where both Nancy and I exhibit) – and causing all sorts of photo-opportunities for the tourists who all think they’re just wonderful. Yeah, well …

There used to be a restaurant in PoTown (my word – and Nancy thinks it might be pronounced PooTown) called The Otter Crossing, with a whole little band of otters-guys that consistently hung out underneath the building. Recently it changed hands and is now renamed something fruity and upscale. Wonder if the otters know? Wonder if the new people who bought it knew what the name meant? I walked by there recently and a stong fishy aroma was still wafting around the place, but maybe it was just low tide. Otters can be over four feet long – meaning, to put it mildly, a lot of seafood goes through them.

I’ve painted otters before, paying homage to them so they wouldn’t come aboard our boat and make a big gooey mess, but it didn’t help, didn’t deter them in the slightest. Some boaters hang little bags of weird coyote urine on their lifelines, others sneak go down at night and use their own urine here and there, still others pay huge sums of money on otter-proof netting that never really works. Sheesh. To me, they’re just part of living with nature around here, and, as we say fairly often, sometimes it isn’t easy.

Now, don’t get me going on the red squirrel babies in the attic.

This painting is watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 7 1/2″ x 10 1/2″ and is $139 unframed.
A nice mahogany frame with a double mat, outside measurements of about 13″ x 15″  makes it a total of $179 and shipping adds just a bit more depending on your zone or if you take the frame. This is the original painting, NOT a print.
Email us for details.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Here’s the website link for the new bristlecone pine. It’s been pretty popular all ready.

Click here to go to the online blog this was to.

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Clickhere to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography. There are some nice images of our recent Glacier and Waterton National Parks visit a couple of weeks ago.

Road Trip – A River of Grass

That name’s not mine, but it surely describes the Everglades and Big Cypress. A million acres of flat-as-a-pancake land, so flat that 20 miles from the ocean we saw a sign that said 3′ elevation. The vast amount of water that falls here each summer flows about 100 feet per day towards the Gulf, and subtle channels in this 100-mile wide “river” create very interesting “islands” of grass, cypress and pines. You can’t really walk out into it because it’s wet, so kayaks and canoes are the way to see it. We’ve messed it up pretty well, but there is plenty to see that’s still the way it should be.

We’ve seen many wood storks (one shown here) that are interesting critters. They sweep their bills back and forth in muddy water searching for fish. When they ‘feel’ one, their bill snaps shut at 25 millionth of a second, the fastest reflex of any bird or animal. And I thought I ate fast!

Nancy’s gotten some wonderful photography of this place that’ll find it’s way to her website, but for now we’re in New Orleans and I’ll have a post of  this crazy-fun place soon. Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Road Trip – Pronghorns All Over the Place

Second edition of the Road Trip. Going through Wyoming and South Dakota, we were amazed at the numbers of pronghorns. Hundreds! We were most happy to see so many, more than either of us have ever seen. White pelicans too, along with bald eagles, lots of magpies (of course), and a nice bunch of prairie dogs where they probably shouldn’t be.

We’re in western Missouri now, following the Missouri River south and watching a big Gulf storm pass through. The forests are just full of redbud and looking great. This painting in the car isn’t all that easy. The roads are just too bumpy. But I’ll continue. Oh, Canada geese just flew right by the open window, inviting Harry our Cat to join them. He’d do it, I’m sure, if only his toes would cooperate.


Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.

Crows Going, Going…

Each evening I see them, about 25 to 30  – northwestern crows, all heading someplace for the night. As the sun sets behind the Olympic Mountains, this bunch comes out of Chimacum Creek estuary, goes right over our meadow and moves on to someplace only known to the crows. As they go by, they’re constantly exchanging hoarse caws and croaks. I imagine it to be something like “What did you do today?” or “Boy that cockle was sure good, and I got it and not you, caw, caw, caw!” Or possibly “Who decided we had to head this direction every evening? Who’s in charge of this murder of crows anyway?”

Northwestern crows are a different species than the normal American crow. Slightly smaller and completely focused on the saltwater shorelines of the Pacific Northwest, we often see these birds doing what they’ve learned to do to make their living. At low tide, northwestern crows rummage around beach rocks until they find an unsuspecting clam. Dislodging it, a bird will fly straight up about thirty feet and let it drop onto the rocks below. It may take more than one try, but once the shell has broken or even just cracked, the crow has dinner. It’s evidently a learned trait that young crows are taught, because we’ll see adults showing the kids how to go about it. Dinner on the half-shell.

This ORIGINAL painting is acrylic on paper board, 5″ x 7 1/2″ and is $85 unframed.
This wood frame and a double mat makes it a total of $125 and shipping adds just a bit more depending on your zone or if you take the frame. This is the original painting, NOT a print. Other mats and frames are also available.
Email us for details.

Thanks for reading this week.
While I painted this in my studio back home, we’re currently in Hawaii on Oahu’s North Shore – and watching some amazing waves. Thanks, Jeff! Your kama’ina home is lovely. I’ll try to send some photos of these in a few days. It takes some kind of crazy person with a death wish to go out there and ride those monsters – and I sure wish it were me!

Larry Eifert

Click here to go to our main website – packed with jigsaw puzzles, prints, interpretive portfolios and lots of other stuff.

Click here to check out what Nancy’s currently working on with her photography.