
At the request of my editor, here’s my 48 North magazine story on the American Coot for December 2013. It’s a tad bit early, but I liked the illustrations enough to show it off. Everyone thinks coots are just gray and black, but a closer look in the sun and you’ll see all sorts of colors. They’re odd little birds, as the story and illustration explains. Click on it and you’ll see a bigger version in your browser. I’m not kidding about the amazing color of those chicks!

    Climate Change: If you’ve read this stuff before, you’ll know I’ve been working on two large paintings about Climate Change and how it’s effecting Yellowstone. Today I spotted a couple of dozen purple violets in bloom in the yard here in Port Townsend – just as a hummingbird dive-bombed me. Now, it’s been unseasonably clear here and getting down below freezing at night because of it – and now here are these violets! Hummmm. Here I was complaining about the chilly nights. With hummingbirds and violets, what could I possibly have to complain about anything. Life is good!

Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert

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Nancy’s web portfolio of beautiful photographs

And Click here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website. Her books are now becoming available as Amazon Kindle books.