Several of you asked to see progress photos of this project. So, let’s try it.
And here’s the progress over the past few days. I’ll put the most current at the top. For me, acrylic landscape painting is a back-to-front process, meaning I tend to paint the horizon first, then work my way to the foreground. It creates a cleaner painting situation for these larger images, but this painting is actually fairly small for me, about four feet on the horizontal – just big enough to get some serious detail, yet small enough to lug around.
I often paint some section out fairly completely to see how it’s going to look, like this area near the bear. THE BEAR: notice it’s on all fours here, and at the top it’s standing. I might go back to this one – just not sure yet. It seems to be going much slower than usual, but there’s been lots of other stuff going on here. Might be a good thing as I’ve always been yelled at for being too quick to completely think these complex projects out.

Here’s the original sketch I posted first on October 10th.

It’s a complex painting, but the type I really relish. I just love standing here with my paint brush and imagining this scene is real, that I’m really here in the meadow looking at all that’s going on. I dream about it.
Thanks for reading this week.
Larry Eifert
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Nancy’s web portfolio of beautiful photographs
And Click here to go to Virginia Eifert’s website. Her books are now becoming available as Amazon Kindle books.