Tag Archives: wayside exhibits

California Creek – waysides for a new park

I’ve been painting four of these and we’re closing in on final versions. I thought this a good time to show two of them off. No, California Creek isn’t in California, but close to the Canadian border near Blaine Washington. The creek flows into Drayton Harbor and then the Salish Sea close to Semiahmoo Spit. It’s been in the process for awhile, but a new kayak launch park is being build at the estuary of the creek into Drayton Harbor, a perfect place for some of my paintings.

This creek has lots of hobby farms and residents upstream, and water quality has suffered from animal waste and failing septics. Lots of work  has gone into fixing all that, and this second panel tells that story. Get the animals away from the creek! And fix your mess! I think both these tell the story pretty well.

Here are a couple of shots of the area. A perfect place for an afternoon with either a kayak or paddleboard. The launch will be right at the left bridge approach with parking, and, four of these panels.

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Larry Eifert

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